Dr. Steph Peacock

Discover the triggers & root causes of your symptoms.

Your body knows how to heal. My job is to create this path for your body to return to it’s normal homeostasis by removing the barriers & treating the root cause.
Chronic illness arises from an accumulation of toxin exposure, stressors, pathogens and biotoxins (toxins made from microbes living within us). When we are chronically exposed to these, they compromise the body’s ability to detoxify so that they then accumulate.
The body’s “toxic load” needs to be addressed as part of healing. We live in a world where exposure to many environmental toxins are prevalent. This overburdens our body’s ability to fight off pathogens and have a robust immune system. 


Working with me

My practice revolves around addressing chronic intestinal overgrowths, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and mold toxicity. There is always a reason “WHY” these occur, therefore I spend time uncovering the root causes and triggers.

In the initial consult, I start with a thorough health history tracing back to childhood. We review symptoms, lab work, past treatment protocols, diagnoses, & more, to develop an understanding of your health. 

As a certified environmental toxin expert, I incorporate reducing the body’s toxic burden into my recommendations. By making these adjustments, we reduce the impact different chemicals can have on our body’s ability to function optimally. 

We also address diet triggers, home environment, nervous system management, detox support, and tailored gut support.

There is no cookie cutter approach to addressing chronic illness. This is why my method is unique to each individual.

Stephanie Peacock, DC

Signs of MCAS

  • Overall fatigue 
  • Inflammation
  • Chemical sensitivity
  • Skin conditions
  • Unexplained GI problems
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Low blood pressure, heart palpitations
  • Temperature changes
  • Chronic congestion and post nasal drip
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Arthritis that moves around
  • Swelling
  • Brain fog
  • Nerve pain and burning sensations

Unexplained Symptoms?

Mast cell activation syndrome presents with symptoms in two or more organ systems. The symptoms are so widespread, making it difficult to pinpoint what may be occurring. This condition affects 1 in 10 people.

Mast cells are a type of white blood cell, and a very integral part of our immune system. They sense what is occurring externally & internally to relay it back to our nervous system and body to mount any defense necessary. If these cells have become overstimulated, it results in them consistently sensing things as danger, therefore making the individual sensitive to many things. These cells release all different types of compounds, including histamine. 

They line every part of our body and are especially present in areas that are in contact with the external environment: the sinus, gastrointestinal tract, skin, respiratory tract, throat, and genitourinary tract.

The most common causes of MCAS are going to be: mold exposure, chemical exposure, chronic stressors, emotional/ physical trauma, Lyme disease and coinfections, & chronic SIBO/SIFO. When addressing this condition, it’s important to identify the underlying triggers, proper nervous system work, mast cell stabilization, and detoxing the home.


Root Cause Approach

Initial 90 minute consult
Review of previous labs, tests & treatment protocols
Diet evaluation
Testing recommendations
Toxic load assessment
Individualized recommendations

Secure portal through Practice Better
Constant access for messaging

If you are interested in working with me, you can sign up for a 15 minute discovery call!


Email us here or sign up for a discovery call to work one-on-one with Stephanie.

Individual initial

90 minute consult

Review of history & labs

Targeted plan

Individualized approach

individual follow up

30 minute consult

Assessment from initial

Check in

Updating plan

4 Session package

Discounted 10%

1 initial consult

3 follow ups

No expiration